The Mockingbird Team offers consulting & advisory services
for pursuing opportunities in the real estate markets.
Mockingbird Properties and their affiliates work with companies and investors who may have limited knowledge of the many facets of real estate valuation and construction. Whether contemplating an acquisition or investment, determining the true quality of the asset, evaluating and estimating the real rate of return, or dealing with problems that arise well into the development cycle, we have the experience to provide advisory services from the due diligence phase to crisis management of plans and projects. By understanding the entirety of a project, from concept to sale, we establish long-term relationships with clients to provide the necessary support so they can overcome challenges and move forward successfully.
Here are some examples of consulting & advisory assistance provided:
As you can see from the above, anything can go wrong, anywhere along the concept, development, or investment chain. Regulatory, Pre-Development, Construction, Operations, Labor, Materials, and all the people, reports, schedules, costs and methods of financing within these activities, in addition to the business risks, can cause a cascading effect that may not show up until it is too late.
What drives the Mockingbird Team is a maniacal focus on best practices. As an adjunct service to our Development Consulting, there are situations that arise for a highly customized approach to property management and our mission is to secure and understand the asset, determine how to best create an exceptional environment for residents, guests and tenants. We quantify, then create a unique value proposition of each property, and then custom tailor the hands-on personalized management services on which the plan is executed.
Mockingbird has established a successful track record of development, adaptive re-use, and repositioning. As part of the initial property analysis, we bring value, fresh ideas and creative designs to each property in order to maximize marketability and thus the guest experience, while maintaining low-maintenance costs and energy savings. Our management team has specialized expertise that extends to site design, landscape design, exterior materials and finishes, interior floor plans and finishes, and lighting.
Mockingbird’s broad-based experience is what makes the difference!
If you have concerns, and need a sophisticated, experienced, quantifiable voice of reason, we can help.
About Mockingbird, CEO, & Team
We see things through a different lens. As a 35-year builder developer investor, with a background in statistical probability and quantitative finance with a professional well-seasoned team of Engineers, Architects, Accounting, Interior and Landscape Design, who’s experience is extremely broad and successful, we have been asked on many occasions to assist and consult on projects for other developers that needed execution or planning assistance, general contractor assistance, aid in contract negotiation, along with helping projects that had made mistakes which required crisis management and or workouts.
In having the diverse background in real estate projects, from retail centers, subdivisions, multifamily (urban, suburban, high-rise), single family homes, and townhomes to heavy industrial, light industrial, and adaptive re-use, Mockingbird has a wealth of knowledge and experience. And the reason for Mockingbird’s success is that with all our projects, we see things through the lens of advanced risk mitigation, and we live our lives in the extreme details. Risk mitigation starts with a good project concept and design, while simultaneously, building a quantifiable proforma. Without a solid foundation the greater the probability the project will suffer both in the short term and the long term.
Many developers get an idea, hire an architect or designer to plan the idea, and once in motion, realize they missed the market niche, missed the amenities, and did not execute the plan with a proper team. Architects and Designers draw, but they are not attached to the economics of the project. In most instances they have never built or financially participated in what they design. Many “experts” involved in the development process such as appraisers, packaged demographic reports, market studies, brand standards that are edit copy edit paste, ignoring the fact that every project is different, are all just problems that become evident when it is too late. Many developers, whether new or advanced, lack the thought process to ask the questions “what if” and “is there a better way”.
There are thousands of details along the development process and everything we do at Mockingbird, from concept, to proforma, design, construction, management, and sale, is a study in probabilities and thus, risk mitigation.
Attorneys cost a lot of money and become necessary as a result of bad planning and bad execution, including, and during the construction process. Do the upfront homework to mitigate the problems later.
In addition to our own projects, we enjoy interacting with entrepreneurs. Using the models and experience we built over our career, we created another model, that would allow us to work with small, mid-sized and large developer entrepreneurs and executives that need experienced talent on an as-needed basis.
As trusted advisors to developers, investors, and lenders, we can help solve the most complex real estate issues.
One should never underestimate the importance of experience. AI doesn’t have experience, and it doesn’t have the ability to manage the multiple levels of people that are involved in the development workflow. Having an experienced interim CEO, co-CEO, with in-house capability, who has the confidence and ability to deal with short-term problems as well as the vision for long-term growth and risk mitigation along each step, is what our experience brings to the table.
Instant Availability
If you were to search for a full-time leader, the recruitment process could take months. We aren’t saying you should stop the process; we can fill the gap while you search for the perfect fit. It doesn’t matter whether your previous CEO/developer has left, or you just need to expand the management team, or bring new ideas into the equation, we can act as an interim CEO, co-developer, or consultant, that will keep the business steady and plans moving forward.
Mockingbird acts just like a regular CEO but with a different skill set. Without worrying about severance packages, extensive contracts, benefits, and everything else that comes with hiring permanent management, you’ll have access to the very best talent. No bureaucracy can walk through the door and start offering a return on the investment immediately.
An Agreement Based Around Engagement
Mockingbird is not just a consultant. You are accessing the power and brainpower of boots-on-the-ground operators, who have a wealth of experience working with companies where needs are varied. We don’t like big reports that end up lying on the table that never get executed. Our business assessment provides clarity, correcting current issues, and implementing a plan that will get results quickly because in stressful situations, every minute counts.
Mockingbird offers swift stability to a company’s team and its operations, as well as immediate comfort to its Board and Investors.
Our model allows us to assist from any starting point within the development company. Why waste time and money when you can hire Mockingbird who has already learned the valuable lessons you need now.
Contact us and set a time for a confidential discussion.
Mitch Vexler
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