High Rise Hotel

Galleria Area

200+ Rooms & Suites

Over 600 Parking Spaces

Multiple Dining Venues, Spa, Gym, Salon

Special Events, Ballrooms, Meeting Rooms

Multi-Family, 3 story

240 to 306 units

Garden Style Design

Surface parking with covered & garage rental options

Multi-Family, 4 story

400 to 500 units

Urban Design

Parking garage and surface parking

Condominium, 32 Unit

Residential units over garage (podium)

For Sale or Lease

Now Planning in multiple North Texas Cities

Light Industrial, from 3000 sq ft

28’ clear height, Multiple Bays

Mezzanine capable

Small machine shops
Retail/wholesale distribution

Main road frontage

Retail/Commercial, 5000 sq ft

Dual drive through

Retail/Commercial, 12000 sq ft

Dual drive through

Semi-Detached Residential

1500 sq ft units

High-End Finishes
2 Car Garages
32 units per cul-de-sac

Farm Land, Income Producing

If you are interested in becoming an equity partner in any of our new projects,

please call Mitchell Vexler, president of Mockingbird Properties,
at 214-725-9013.

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